cocoSsd({ base?: string }): CocoSsd;
Object detection model based on tensorflow's COCO-SSD implementation. The model localizes and identifies multiple objects in a single image.
Option | Type | Description | Required | Default |
base | string | Controls the base cnn model, can be 'mobilenet_v1', 'mobilenet_v2' or 'lite_mobilenet_v2'. lite_mobilenet_v2 is smallest in size, and fastest in inference speed. mobilenet_v2 has the highest classification accuracy. | 'lite_mobilenet_v2' |
Name | Type | Description | Hold |
$loading | Stream<boolean> | Defines if the model is loading | ✓ |
predict(img: ImageData): Promise<ObjectDetectorResults>
Make a prediction from an input image in ImageData
format. The method is asynchronous and returns a promise that resolves with the results of the prediction. The results have the following signature:
interface ObjectDetectorResults {
outputs: {
bbox: [number, number, number, number];
class: string;
confidence: number;
const source = marcelle.imageUpload();
const cocoClassifier = marcelle.cocoSsd();
const cocoPredictionStream = source.$;
kmeansClustering({ k?: number }): KMeansClustering;
A K-means clustering algorithm based on ml-kmeans.
Option | Type | Description | Required | default |
k | number | Number of clusters. Defaults to 3. | 3 |
The set of reactive parameters has the following signature:
parameters: {
k: Stream<number>;
Name | Type | Description | Hold |
$training | Stream<TrainingStatus> | Stream of training status events (see above), with no additional data | |
$centers | Stream<number[][]> | Stream of cluster centers | |
$clusters | Stream<number[]> | Stream of cluster IDs of the training set's instances |
predict(x: number[]): Promise<ClusteringResults>
Make a prediction from an input feature array x
. The method is asynchronous and returns a promise that resolves with the results of the prediction. The results have the following signature:
interface ClusteringResults {
cluster: number;
confidences: { [key: number]: number };
train(dataset: Dataset<KMeansInstance> | LazyIterable<KMeansInstance>): Promise<void>
Train the model from a given dataset.
const clustering = marcelle.kmeansClustering({ k: 5 });
knnClassifier({ k?: number }): KNNClassifier;
A K-Nearest Neighbors classifier based on Tensorflow.js's implementation.
Option | Type | Description | Required | default |
k | number | The K value to use in K-nearest neighbors. The algorithm will first find the K nearest examples from those it was previously shown, and then choose the class that appears the most as the final prediction for the input example. Defaults to 3. If examples < k, k = examples. | 3 |
The set of reactive parameters has the following signature:
parameters: {
k: Stream<number>;
Name | Type | Description | Hold |
$training | Stream<TrainingStatus> | Stream of training status events (see above), with no additional data |
clear(): void
Clear the model, removing all instances
predict(x: TensorLike): Promise<ClassifierResults>
Make a prediction from an input feature array x
. The method is asynchronous and returns a promise that resolves with the results of the prediction. The results have the following signature:
interface ClassifierResults {
label: string;
confidences: { [key: string]: number };
dataset: Dataset<InputType, OutputType> | ServiceIterable<Instance<InputType, OutputType>>,
): void;
Train the model from a given dataset.
const classifier = marcelle.knnClassifier({ k: 5 });
const predictionStream = $featureStream // A stream of input features
layers?: number[],
epochs?: number,
batchSize?: number,
}): MLPClassifier;
A Multi-Layer Perceptron classifier using Tensorflow.js. The configuration of the model (number of layers and number of hidden nodes per layer) can be configured.
Option | Type | Description | Required | Default |
layers | number[] | The model configuration as an array of numbers, where each element defines a layer with the given number of hidden nodes | [64, 32] | |
epochs | number | Number of epochs used for training | 20 | |
batchSize | number | Training data batch size | 8 | |
validationSplit | number | Proportion of data to use for validation | 0.2 |
The set of reactive parameters has the following signature:
parameters {
layers: Stream<number[]>;
epochs: Stream<number>;
batchSize: Stream<number>;
validationSplit: number;
Name | Type | Description | Hold |
$training | Stream<TrainingStatus> | Stream of training status events, containing the current status ('idle' / 'start' / 'epoch' / 'success' / 'error'), the current epoch and associated data (such as loss and accuracy) during the training |
clear(): void
Clear the model, removing all instances
predict(x: TensorLike): Promise<ClassifierResults>
Make a prediction from an input feature array x
. The method is asynchronous and returns a promise that resolves with the results of the prediction. The results have the following signature:
interface ClassifierResults {
label: string;
confidences: { [key: string]: number };
dataset: Dataset<ClassifierInstance> | LazyIterable<ClassifierInstance>,
validationDataset?: Dataset<ClassifierInstance> | LazyIterable<ClassifierInstance>,
): Promise<void>
Train the model from a given dataset, optionally passing a custom validation dataset. If no validation dataset is passed, a train/validation split will be created automatically based on the validationSplit
Instances for TFJS classifiers are as follows:
interface ClassifierInstance extends Instance {
x: TensorLike;
y: string;
const classifier = marcelle.mlpClassifier({ layers: [64, 32], epochs: 50 });
const predictionStream = $featureStream // A stream of input features
units?: number[],
epochs?: number,
batchSize?: number,
}): MLPClassifier;
A Multi-Layer Perceptron for regression using Tensorflow.js. The configuration of the model (number of layers and number of hidden nodes per layer) can be configured.
Option | Type | Description | Required | Default |
units | number[] | The model configuration as an array of numbers, where each element defines a layer with the given number of hidden nodes | [64, 32] | |
epochs | number | Number of epochs used for training | 20 | |
batchSize | number | Training data batch size | 8 | |
validationSplit | number | Proportion of data to use for validation | 0.2 |
The set of reactive parameters has the following signature:
parameters {
units: Stream<number[]>;
epochs: Stream<number>;
batchSize: Stream<number>;
validationSplit: number;
Name | Type | Description | Hold |
$training | Stream<TrainingStatus> | Stream of training status events, containing the current status ('idle' / 'start' / 'epoch' / 'success' / 'error'), the current epoch and associated data (such as loss and accuracy) during the training |
clear(): void
Clear the model, removing all instances
predict(x: TensorLike): Promise<number | number[]>
Make a prediction from an input feature array x
. The method is asynchronous and returns a promise that resolves with the results of the prediction. The results are either a number or an array of numbers, depending on the training data.
dataset: Dataset<MLPRegressorInstance> | LazyIterable<MLPRegressorInstance>,
validationDataset?: Dataset<MLPRegressorInstance> | LazyIterable<MLPRegressorInstance>,
): Promise<void>;
Train the model from a given dataset, optionally passing a custom validation dataset. If no validation dataset is passed, a train/validation split will be created automatically based on the validationSplit
Instances for the MLPRegressor model are as follows:
interface MLPRegressorInstance extends Instance {
x: TensorLike;
y: number;
const regressor = marcelle.mlpRegressor({ units: [64, 32], epochs: 50 });
const predictionStream = $featureStream // A stream of input features
version?: 1 | 2,
alpha?: 0.25 | 0.50 | 0.75 | 1.0,
}): MobileNet;
The mobileNet component can be used both as a classification model and as a feature extractor. It is based on Tensorflow.js's Mobilenet implementation. For feature extraction, the .process()
method can be used to get the embeddings from an input image.
Option | Type | Description | Required |
version | 1 | 2 | The MobileNet version number. Use 1 for MobileNetV1, and 2 for MobileNetV2. Defaults to 1. | |
alpha | 0.25 | 0.50 | 0.75 | 1.0 | Controls the width of the network, trading accuracy for performance. A smaller alpha decreases accuracy and increases performance. 0.25 is only available for V1. Defaults to 1.0. |
Since parameters are used to load a heavy model, they can only be used on when the component is created, and there are not reactive parameters.
predict(image: ImageData): Promise<ClassifierResults>
Make a prediction from an input image image
in ImageData format. The method is asynchronous and returns a promise that resolves with the results of the prediction. The results have the following signature:
interface ClassifierResults {
label: string;
confidences: { [key: string]: number };
process(image: ImageData): Promise<number[]>
Use mobilenet for feature extraction, for example to perform transfer learning. The method returns the embedding for the input image. The size of the embedding depends on the alpha (width) of the model.
const input =;
const m = marcelle.mobileNet();
// Extract features (embedding) from webcam images
const $embedding = input.$ => m.process(img)).awaitPromises();
// Predict labels from webcam images (default mobilenet classification)
const $prediction = input.$ => m.predict(img)).awaitPromises();
inputType: 'image' | 'generic';
taskType: 'classification' | 'generic';
segmentationOptions?: {
output?: 'image' | 'tensor';
inputShape: number[];
}): OnnxModel;
This component allows to make predictions using pre-trained models in the ONNX format, using onnxruntime-web
. The default backend for inference is wasm
, as it provides a wider operator support.
The implementation currently supports tensors as input, formatted as nested number arrays, and two types of task (classification, generic prediction). Pre-trained models can be loaded either by URL, or through file upload, for instance using the fileUpload
Such generic models cannot be trained.
onnxruntime-web is not included in the build, to use the onnxModel
component, add the following line to your index.html
<script src=""></script>
loadFromFile(file: File): Promise<void>
Load a pre-trained ONNX model from a *.onnx
loadFromUrl(url: string): Promise<void>
Load a pre-trained ONNX model from a URL.
predict(input: InputTypes[InputType]): Promise<PredictionTypes[TaskType]>
Make a prediction from an input instance, which type depends on the inputType
specified in the constructor. The method is asynchronous and returns a promise that resolves with the results of the prediction.
Input types can be:
if the model was instanciated withinputType: 'image'
(= array) if the model was instanciated withinputType: 'generic'
Output types can be:
if the model was instanciated withtaskType: 'classification'
if the model was instanciated withtaskType: 'generic'
Where classifier results have the following interface:
interface ClassifierResults {
label: string;
confidences: { [key: string]: number };
const source = imageUpload();
const classifier = tfjsModel({
inputType: 'image',
taskType: 'classification',
const predictionStream = source.$;
pca(): PCA;
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) based on ml-pca.
Name | Type | Description | Hold |
$training | Stream<TrainingStatus> | Stream of training status events, containing the current status ('idle' / 'start' / 'epoch' / 'success' / 'error'), the current epoch and associated data (such as loss and accuracy) during the training |
clear(): void
Clear the model
predict(x: number[]): Promise<number[]>
Project a given data point into the PCA space. The method is asynchronous and returns a promise that resolves with the results of the prediction.
train(dataset: Dataset<PCAInstance> | LazyIterable<PCAInstance>): Promise<void>
Train the model from a given dataset.
Instances for PCA model are as follows:
interface PCAInstance extends Instance {
x: number[];
y: undefined;
const projector = marcelle.pca();
const $projection = $featureStream // A stream of input features
model: 'MoveNet' | 'BlazePose' | 'PoseNet' = 'MoveNet',
modelConfig?: ModelConfig
): PoseDetection;
This component performs pose detection from images using deep learning. It is based on Tensorflow.js's pose detection implementation, that includes 3 models: PoseNet, MoveNet and BlazePose. For feature extraction, the .postprocess()
method can be used to get arrays from the skeleton structure.
Option | Type | Description | Required |
version | 1 | 2 | The MobileNet version number. Use 1 for MobileNetV1, and 2 for MobileNetV2. Defaults to 1. | |
alpha | 0.25 | 0.50 | 0.75 | 1.0 | Controls the width of the network, trading accuracy for performance. A smaller alpha decreases accuracy and increases performance. 0.25 is only available for V1. Defaults to 1.0. |
Since parameters are used to load a heavy model, they can only be used on when the component is created, and there are not reactive parameters.
predict(image: ImageData): Promise<ClassifierResults>
Make a prediction from an input image image
in ImageData format. The method is asynchronous and returns a promise that resolves with the results of the prediction. The results have the following signature:
interface ClassifierResults {
label: string;
confidences: { [key: string]: number };
process(image: ImageData): Promise<number[]>
Use mobilenet for feature extraction, for example to perform transfer learning. The method returns the embedding for the input image. The size of the embedding depends on the alpha (width) of the model.
const input =;
const m = marcelle.mobileNet();
// Extract features (embedding) from webcam images
const $embedding = input.$ => m.process(img)).awaitPromises();
// Predict labels from webcam images (default mobilenet classification)
const $prediction = input.$ => m.predict(img)).awaitPromises();
inputType: 'image' | 'generic';
taskType: 'classification' | 'segmentation' | 'generic';
segmentationOptions?: {
output?: 'image' | 'tensor';
applyArgmax?: boolean;
}): TFJSGenericModel;
This component allows to make predictions using pre-trained Tensorflow.js models, in either LayersModel or GraphModel format. This component supports:
- Models created with the tf.layers.*, tf.sequential(), and tf.model() APIs of TensorFlow.js and later saved with the method.
- Models converted from Keras or TensorFlow using the tensorflowjs_converter.
It supports several types of input (currently, images or arrays), as well as several types of task (classification, segmentation, generic prediction). Pre-trained models can be loaded either by URL, or through file upload, for instance using the fileUpload
Such generic models cannot be trained.
Note that exporting models from Keras to TFJS can lead to loading errors when particular layers are not implemented in TFJS. In this case, it is possible to export the Keras model to a saved_model and convert it to TFJS, where compatibility should be better.
loadFromFiles(files: File[]): Promise<void>
Load a pre-trained TFJS model from a list files, that should include:
- a
file defining the model artifacts - one or several
weight files
loadFromUrl(url: string): Promise<void>
Load a pre-trained TFJS model from a URL.
predict(input: InputTypes[InputType]): Promise<PredictionTypes[TaskType]>
Make a prediction from an input instance, which type depends on the inputType
specified in the constructor. The method is asynchronous and returns a promise that resolves with the results of the prediction.
Input types can be:
if the model was instanciated withinputType: 'image'
(= array) if the model was instanciated withinputType: 'generic'
Output types can be:
if the model was instanciated withtaskType: 'classification'
ImageData | TensorLike
if the model was instanciated withtaskType: 'segmentation'
if the model was instanciated withtaskType: 'generic'
Where classifier results have the following interface:
interface ClassifierResults {
label: string;
confidences: { [key: string]: number };
const source = imageUpload();
const classifier = tfjsModel({
inputType: 'image',
taskType: 'classification',
const predictionStream = source.$;
nComponents: number,
nNeighbors: number,
minDist: number,
spread: number,
supervised: boolean,
}): Umap;
Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) is a dimension reduction technique that can be used for visualisation similarly to t-SNE, but also for general non-linear dimension reduction. This component use the [umap-js]( use the umap-js library from the Google PAIR team) library from the Google PAIR team.
Option | Type | Description | Required | Default |
nComponents | number | The number of components (dimensions) to project the data to | 2 | |
nNeighbors | number | The number of nearest neighbors to construct the fuzzy manifold | 15 | |
minDist | number | The effective minimum distance between embedded points, used with spread to control the clumped/dispersed nature of the embedding | 0.1 | |
spread | number | The effective scale of embedded points, used with minDist to control the clumped/dispersed nature of the embedding | 1.0 | |
supervised | boolean | Whether or not to use labels to perform supervised projection | false |
The set of reactive parameters has the following signature:
parameters: {
nComponents: Stream<number>;
nNeighbors: Stream<number>;
minDist: Stream<number>;
spread: Stream<number>;
supervised: Stream<boolean>;
Name | Type | Description | Hold |
$training | Stream<TrainingStatus> | Stream of training status events, containing the current status ('idle' / 'start' / 'epoch' / 'success' / 'error'), the current epoch and associated data (embeddings) during the training |
predict(x: number[]): Promise<number[]>
Project a given data point into the UMAP space. The method is asynchronous and returns a promise that resolves with the coordinates.
train(dataset: Dataset<UmapInstance> | LazyIterable<UmapInstance>): Promise<void>
Train the model from a given dataset.
Instances for Umap are as follows:
interface UmapInstance extends Instance {
x: number[];
y: number;
const projector = marcelle.umap();