

Marcelle provides a logger utility to display messages in the user interface and/or the console. When a dashboard is mounted, messages are displayed in the footer.

The logger provides serveral functions taking an arbitrary number of messages, similarly to the console object:

logger.log(...messages: unknown[]): void;
logger.debug(...messages: unknown[]): void;
logger.info(...messages: unknown[]): void;
logger.warning(...messages: unknown[]): void;
logger.error(...messages: unknown[]): void;


import { logger } from '@marcellejs/core';

logger.log('Hello Marcelle!');
logger.error('An error occurred with code', 42);


function notification({
  title: string;
  message: string;
  duration?: number;
  type?: 'default' | 'danger';
}): void

Display a notification on the top-right of the screen.


titlestringThe notification's title
messagestringThe notification's main message
durationnumberThe notification's duration in milliseconds. If 0, the notification remains on the screen. Defaults to 3000
type'default' | 'danger'The notification's type. Defaults to 'default'


import { notification } from '@marcellejs/core';

  title: 'Tip',
  message: 'You need to have at least two classes to train the model',
  duration: 5000,


A class facilitating the manipulation of asynchronous iterable, based on itiririopen in new window. The interface is as follows:

export class LazyIterable<T> implements AsyncIterable<T> {
  [Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncIterator<T>;

  entries(): LazyIterable<[number, T]>;
  keys(): LazyIterable<number>;
  values(): LazyIterable<T>;
  forEach(action: (element: T, index: number) => void): Promise<void>;
  concat(other: T | Promise<T> | Iterable<T> | AsyncIterable<T>): LazyIterable<T>;
  reduce(callback: (accumulator: T, current: T, index: number) => T): Promise<T>;
    callback: (accumulator: TAccumulator, current: T, index: number) => TAccumulator,
    initialValue: TAccumulator,
  ): Promise<TAccumulator>;
    callback: (accumulator: TResult | T, current: T, index: number) => TResult,
    initialValue?: TResult,
  ): Promise<TResult>;

  filter(predicate: (element: T, index: number) => boolean): LazyIterable<T>;
  take(count: number): LazyIterable<T>;
  skip(count: number): LazyIterable<T>;
  map<S>(selector: (element: T, index: number) => S): LazyIterable<S>;
  zip<TRight>(other: () => AsyncIterable<TRight>): LazyIterable<[T, TRight]>;
  toArray(): Promise<T[]>;

See Itiriri's docsopen in new window for details on the methods.