
Models are standard Marcelle components with two additional characteristics. First, they have a property called parameters, which is a record of parameter values as streams. This structure is useful to provide interfaces that dynamically change the values of the model parameters. Second, they carry a set of methods for training and prediction. Some methods are standardized, such as .train(dataset) and .predict(features), however models can expose additional specific methods.


Models implement the following interface:

interface Model<InputType, OutputType, PredictionType> {
  parameters: {
    [name: string]: Stream<any>;

  $training: Stream<TrainingStatus>;

    dataset: Dataset<InputType, OutputType> | ServiceIterable<Instance<InputType, OutputType>>,
      | Dataset<InputType, OutputType>
      | ServiceIterable<Instance<InputType, OutputType>>,
  ): void;
  predict(x: InputType): Promise<PredictionType>;

    store: DataStore,
    name: string,
    metadata?: Record<string, unknown>,
    id?: ObjectId,
  ): Promise<ObjectId | null>;
  load(store: DataStore, idOrName: ObjectId | string): Promise<StoredModel>;
  download(metadata?: Record<string, unknown>): Promise<void>;
  upload(...files: File[]): Promise<StoredModel>;
  sync(store: DataStore, name: string): this;


Models expose a $training stream that monitors the training process. Each TrainingStatus event has the following interface:

interface TrainingStatus {
  status: 'idle' | 'start' | 'epoch' | 'success' | 'error' | 'loaded' | 'loading';
  epoch?: number;
  epochs?: number;
  data?: Record<string, unknown>;

Where the data field varies across models to include additional information, such as the training and validation loss/accuracy in the case of neural networks.

Common Methods


  dataset: Dataset<InputType, OutputType> | ServiceIterable<Instance<InputType, OutputType>>,
    | Dataset<InputType, OutputType>
    | ServiceIterable<Instance<InputType, OutputType>>,
): void;

Train the model from a given dataset or dataset iterator. An optional validation set can be passed. The training can be monitored using the model's $training stream.


datasetTODOA Marcelle Dataset or an iterator (TODO: undocumented) for training.
validationDatasetTODOA Marcelle Dataset or an iterator (TODO: undocumented) used for validation. If not defined, the validation datasets will be created automatically according to the model's validationSplit parameter.


predict(x: InputType): Promise<PredictionType>;

Make a prediction from a single input frame. Input and output formats vary across models, refer to each model's specific documentation.


xInputTypea single input to the model


A promise that resolves with the resulting prediction.


abstract save(
  store: DataStore,
  name: string,
  metadata?: Record<string, unknown>,
  id?: ObjectId,
): Promise<ObjectId | null>;

Save the model to a data store with a given name and optional metadata. If the id of an existing model is passed it will be updated.


storeDataStoreThe data store to save the model
namestringThe name of the model
metadataRecord<string, unknown>An optional object containing metadata about the model
idObjectIdThe id of an existing model. If defined, the existing model will be updated.


A promise that resolves with the ObjectId of the document in the data store, or null is the saving failed.


load(store: DataStore, idOrName: ObjectId | string): Promise<StoredModel>;

Load a model from a data store from either its id or its name.


storeDataStoreThe data store from which to load the model
idObjectId | stringThe ID of the model's document in the data store, or its name. If several models in the data store have the same name, the latest model will be loaded


A promise that resolves with the the StoredModel document from the data store, which has the following interface:

interface StoredModel {
  id?: ObjectId;
  name: string;
  url: string;
  metadata?: Record<string, unknown>;


download(metadata?: Record<string, unknown>): Promise<void>;

Download a model as files, with optional custom metadata.


metadataobjectA JSON-serializable object containing arbitrary model metadata{}


upload(...files: File[]): Promise<StoredModel>;

Upload a model from a set of files. Files should be exported from Marcelle by the same model class.


filesFile[]A list of files constituting the model (for instance, a model.json and a set of .bin weight files for a TFJS model){}


sync(store: DataStore, name: string): this;

Synchronize a model with a data store, given a model name. The model will be automatically updated in the store whenever its training ends, or it is loaded from files. The model will be automatically restored on startup, from the latest version available in the store.


storeDataStoreThe data store where the model should be synchronize
namestringA unique name for the model so that it can be retrieved in the datastore


marcelle.batchPrediction(name: string, dataStore?: DataStore): BatchPrediction;

This component allows to compute and store batch predictions with a given model over an entire dataset. Similarly to Datasets, the prediction results are stored in a data store passed in argument.


namestringThe name of the predictions (for data storage)
dataStoreDataStoreThe dataStore used to store the instances of the dataset. This parameter is optional. By default, a data store in memory will be created.


$statusStream<BatchPredictionStatus>Stream containing the status of the batch prediction process
export interface BatchPredictionStatus {
  status: 'idle' | 'start' | 'running' | 'success' | 'error' | 'loaded' | 'loading';
  count?: number;
  total?: number;
  data?: Record<string, unknown>;



async predict(model: Model, dataset: Dataset, inputField = 'features'): Promise<void>

Compute predictions for all instances of a given Datasets dataset, using a trained model. The instance field used for predictions can be specified with the inputField parameters, that defaults to features.


async clear(): Promise<void>

Clear all predictions from the data store, resetting the resulting streams.


const classifier = marcelle.mlp({ layers: [64, 32], epochs: 20 });

const batchMLP = marcelle.batchPrediction('mlp', store);

const predictButton = marcelle.button('Update predictions');
predictButton.$click.subscribe(async () => {
  await batchMLP.clear();
  await batchMLP.predict(classifier, trainingSet);