Python API


class DataStore()


 | __init__(location="http://localhost:3030")

DataStores enable communication with Marcelle Backends. DataStores provide access to services registered on a backend at the specified location.


  • location str, optional - Backend URL. Defaults to "http://localhost:3030".


 | service(name)

Access a service by name


  • name str - service name


  • Service - Marcelle Service object.


class Service()


 | __init__(location)

Services provide an interface to interact with data stored in Marcelle backend. Since Marcelle backends are based on Feathers.js (, services provide a similar API with predefined CRUD methods.


  • location str - Service location URL.


 | find(params={})

Retrieves a list of all resources from the service. params.query can be used to filter and limit the returned data.


  • params dict, optional - contain additional information for the service method call. See httpscrow.๐Ÿ˜•/ Defaults to {}.


  • dict - A dictionary containing the response. Data is paginated by default. see httpscrow.๐Ÿ˜•/


 | get(id, params={})

Retrieves a single resource with the given id from the service.


  • id str - unique identifier of the ressource
  • params dict, optional - contain additional information for the service method call. See httpscrow.๐Ÿ˜•/ Defaults to {}.


  • dict - the requested item as a dictionary


 | create(data, params={})

Creates a new resource with data. The method should return with the newly created data. data may also be an array.


  • data dict - ressource data as a JSON-serializable dictionary
  • params dict, optional - contain additional information for the service method call. See httpscrow.๐Ÿ˜•/ Defaults to {}.


  • dict - the created ressource


 | update(id, data, params={})

Replaces the resource identified by id with data. The method should return with the complete, updated resource data. id can also be null when updating multiple records, with params.query containing the query criteria.


  • id str - unique identifier of the ressource
  • data dict - ressource data as a JSON-serializable dictionary
  • params dict, optional - contain additional information for the service method call. See httpscrow.๐Ÿ˜•/ Defaults to {}.


  • dict - updated resource data


 | patch(id, data, params={})

Merges the existing data of the resource identified by id with the new data. id can also be null indicating that multiple resources should be patched with params.query containing the query criteria.


  • id str - unique identifier of the ressource
  • data dict - partial ressource data as a JSON-serializable dictionary
  • params dict, optional - contain additional information for the service method call. See httpscrow.๐Ÿ˜•/ Defaults to {}.


  • dict - updated resource data


 | remove(id, params={})

Removes the resource with id. The method should return with the removed data. id can also be null, which indicates the deletion of multiple resources, with params.query containing the query criteria.


  • id str - unique identifier of the ressource
  • params dict, optional - contain additional information for the service method call. See httpscrow.๐Ÿ˜•/ Defaults to {}.


  • dict - the removed data


 | items(query={})

Returns an iterator over the service data, given an optional query. See feathers documentation for querying: httpscrow.๐Ÿ˜•/


  • query dict, optional - Optional query. See httpscrow.๐Ÿ˜•/ Defaults to {}.


  • dict - service ressource


class Remote()


 | __init__(backend_root="http://localhost:3030", save_format="tfjs", source="keras")

The remote manager for Marcelle allows to save run information and upload model checkpoints and assets to a Marcelle backend


  • backend_root str, optional - The backend's root URL. Defaults to "http://localhost:3030".
  • save_format str, optional - Format used to upload the models to the backend. Can be either "tfjs" or "onnx". Defaults to "tfjs".
  • source str, optional - Source framework name. Only "keras" is currently fully supported. Defaults to "keras".


 | create(run_data)

Create a new training run, and upload it on the server


  • run_data dict, optional - Run data as a JSON-serializable dictionary.

  • TODO - Document "run_data" format (@see Writer)


 | update(run_data=None)

Update the run data, and upload it on the server


  • run_data dict, optional - Run data as a JSON-serializable dictionary.


 | upload_model(path_to_model, local_format, metadata={})

Upload a model checkpoint to the backend server


  • path_to_model string - local path to the model files
  • local_format string - format of the saved model. Can be "h5 or "save_model".
  • metadata dict, optional - Optional metadata to save with the model. Defaults to {}.


  • Exception - When local and remote formats are Unsupported


  • dict - The stored model's information from the backend


 | upload_tfjs_model(tmp_path, metadata={})

Upload a TFJS model checkpoint to the backend server


  • tmp_path string - local path to the temporary model files
  • metadata dict, optional - Optional metadata to save with the model. Defaults to {}.


  • dict - The stored model's information from the backend


 | upload_onnx_model(tmp_path, metadata={})

Upload an ONNX model checkpoint to the backend server


  • tmp_path string - local path to the temporary model files
  • metadata dict, optional - Optional metadata to save with the model. Defaults to {}.


  • dict - The stored model's information from the backend


 | upload_asset(path_to_asset, metadata={})

Upload an asset to the backend server. Assets are files of arbitrary format (images, sound files, ...)


  • path_to_asset string - local path to the asset file
  • metadata dict, optional - Optional metadata to save with the asset. Defaults to {}.


  • dict - The stored assets's information from the backend


 | retrieve_run(run_start_at)

Retrieve a training run from the backend using its starting date


  • run_start_at string - Starting date of the run


  • dict - The run data if it was found on the server, False otherwise


 | remove_run(run_data)

Remove a given run from the server, along with the associated checkpoints and assets.


  • run_data dict - Run data to be removed. Must have "_id" and "checkpoints" fields


  • bool - wether the run was successfully removed


class Uploader()


 | __init__(remote)

The Uploader class alows to upload the results of a locally stored training run to the backend.


  • remote Remote - An instance of Remote class

  • TODO - Implement asset uploading


 | upload(run_directory, overwrite=False)

Upload a training run from a directory


  • run_directory string - run directory, from a Writer or Keras callback
  • overwrite bool, optional - If True, overwrites the data on the server, replacing run information and checkpoints. Defaults to False.


  • Exception - If the input directory does not exist


class KerasCallback(tf.keras.callbacks.Callback)


 | __init__(name, backend_root="http://localhost:3030", disk_save_format="h5", remote_save_format="tfjs", model_checkpoint_freq=None, base_log_dir="marcelle-logs", run_params={})

A Keras Callback to store training information in a Marcelle backend and locally.


  • name str - The base name for the run.
  • backend_root str, optional - The backend's root URL. Defaults to "http://localhost:3030".
  • disk_save_format str, optional - Format used to store the models locally. Can be either "saved_model" or "h5". Defaults to "h5".
  • remote_save_format str, optional - Format used to upload the models to the backend. Can be either "tfjs" or "onnx". Defaults to "tfjs".
  • model_checkpoint_freq number, optional - The frequency at which checkpoints should be saved (in epochs). Defaults to None.
  • base_log_dir str, optional - Path to the directory where runs should be stored. Defaults to "marcelle-logs".
  • run_params dict, optional - A dictionary of parameters associated with the training run (e.g. hyperparameters). Defaults to {}.




Normalize a dictionary for JSON serialization, casting numpy types


  • d dict - Input dictionary


  • dict - Normalized dictionary


get_model_info(model, source, loss=None)

Get information about a Keras Model


  • model - an instance of keras.Model
  • source string - The source framework (only keras is currently supported)
  • loss string or loss function, optional - Loss function used for training. Defaults to None.


  • Exception - When another source than keras is used


  • dict - Keras model information


class Writer()


 | __init__(name, backend_root="http://localhost:3030", disk_save_format="h5", remote_save_format="tfjs", base_log_dir="marcelle-logs", source="keras")

The Writer class allows to save training information locally and to a backend


  • name str - The base name for the run.

  • backend_root str, optional - The backend's root URL. Defaults to "http://localhost:3030".

  • disk_save_format str, optional - Format used to store the models locally. Can be either "saved_model" or "h5". Defaults to "h5".

  • remote_save_format str, optional - Format used to upload the models to the backend. Can be either "tfjs" or "onnx". Defaults to "tfjs".

  • base_log_dir str, optional - Path to the directory where runs should be stored. Defaults to "marcelle-logs".

  • source str, optional - Source framework name. Only "keras" is currently fully supported. Defaults to "keras".

  • TODO - take a remote instance as argument (as for uploader), and make it optional

  • TODO - make Keras model optional


 | create_run(model=None, run_params={}, loss=None)

Create a new training run


  • model keras.Model, optional - A keras.Model instance associated with the training run_params (dict, optional): A dictionary of parameters associated with the training run (e.g. hyperparameters). Defaults to {}.
  • loss string or loss function, optional - The loss function used for training. Defaults to None.


 | train_begin(epochs)

Signal that the training has started


  • epochs number - The total number of expected training epochs


 | save_epoch(epoch, logs=None, save_checkpoint=False, assets=[])

Save the results at the end of an epoch, with optional associated checkpoint and assets


  • epoch number - the epoch
  • logs dict, optional - A dictionary of log values to record for the current epochs. The information should only concern the current epoch (for instance, logs for loss values should be scalar:
  • ``{"loss" - 3.14}). Defaults to None.
  • save_checkpoint bool, optional - If True, a checkpoint will be saved locally and uploaded to the backend, according to the formats specified in the constructor. Defaults to False.
  • assets list[string], optional - A list of assets paths associated with the epoch to upload. Defaults to [].


 | train_end(logs=None, save_checkpoint=False)

Signal that the training has ended


  • logs dict, optional - Dictionary of logs (UNUSED?). Defaults to None.
  • save_checkpoint bool, optional - If True, a checkpoint will be saved locally and uploaded to the backend, according to the formats specified in the constructor. Defaults to False.